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SEO Sandwich

You Can’t Spell Marketing Without

Well, you can. But you shouldn’t.

June 6, 2023 - 1:00PM

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the foundation of successful digital marketing. Do you know why it’s so critical? Do you know the rules of effective SEO marketing? What are the ingredients of an “SEO Sandwich?”

Watch the recorded webinar to learn: 

  • Why SEO should be the foundation of your marketing program
  • The rules of effective SEO and how to apply them 
  • The importance of your “core keyword” and how to identify it 
  • Why words matter across all marketing channels 

There are over two trillion Google searches per year (HubSpot). More than 54% of the time, searchers click one of the top three search results.  




Robb's primary role at PIC is to develop relationships that are beneficial to all the partners involved. He also continues to refine and develop our popular Hero Mission Strategy that helps our client shift their perspectives into a nurturing point of view rather than the typical, "Company First" point of view.

If you are looking for a strategic partner to help you hit your business growth goals, Robb is someone you should probably have a conversation with.



A Baldwin High School and IUP graduate, Brad joined Pittsburgh Internet Consulting as an Inbound Marketing Consultant in November 2015 after working as an independent consultant. Brad's work experience covers a full range of website design & development to local and organic SEO.

More Than Just Great Websites. Marketing Strategies For Growth.

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