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Utilizing Growth-Driven Design & the HubSpot CMS

Inbound Marketing , Website Design & Development | 3 minute read

In 2015, PC Network Services in Pittsburgh, PA, was transitioning to a new unified name - Apogee IT Services - after acquiring another managed services provider.

Problem: IT Company Needed More Responsive Website

They looked to Pittsburgh Internet Consulting to help them develop a responsive website that would reflect the new brand, support their growing marketing and sales efforts, and consistently adapt to their expanding footprint in the Northeast.

PIC Services: New Website Design with HubSpot

The team at PIC built the new Apogee IT Services site using the HubSpot CMS because it provides a wide range of website design and customization options while also offering the functionality to grow the website alongside the business.

Solutions: Leverage Growth-Driven Design

Leveraging growth-driven design, PIC and the Apogee team prioritized what was important for launch and built around those items. The main priorities included:

  1. Making the website reflect the new brand from a design standpoint
  2. Adapting new content to be easily readable for website visitors
  3. Giving users a pleasant viewing experience on all devices through responsive design
  4. Following SEO best practices to transition PCNS to the Apogee brand online


Results: Improved Lead Generation

Upon site launch, PIC jumpstarted Apogee's inbound marketing initiatives in an effort to generate leads, increase brand awareness, and boost overall site traffic while utilizing the various marketing tools inside HubSpot. Through the use of search engine optimization tactics, content development, PPC advertising, and social media marketing, the website quickly became an important lead gen source for Apogee's marketing and sales team.

Over the course of the first 12 months, the client saw massive improvements:

  • 63% increase in organic traffic

  • 60% increase in mobile traffic

  • Goal conversion rate growth of 99% across all website visitors

  • 180% increase in conversions between form submissions and phone calls


PIC and the Apogee team continue to leverage the growth-driven design philosophy to improve the website based on what visitor information in both Google Analytics and HubSpot shows. From home page design to navigation edits and content offers, we are continuously bettering the website as Apogee expands and more user data is collected.

More Than Just Great Websites. Marketing Strategies For Growth.

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